Kelvin Epos 300 at the Oslo Digital Cinema Conference - Kelvin

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Kelvin Epos 300 at the Oslo Digital Cinema Conference

The Oslo Digital Cinema Conference was a fantastic opportunity for the Kelvin team to mingle with like-minded people, meet personal heroes, and even contribute with inside knowledge of LED development and unique trends from within the industry.


The focus of the conference were topics such as environmentally friendly filmmaking and technological trends.


CEO of Kelvin Halvard Aagard, Greig Fraser and Kelvin Epos 300. credit: Ole Andreas Grøntvedt FNF.


“The auditorium was packed to capacity for the Friday evening screening of Gareth Edwards’ 2016 Star Wars spinoff Rogue One. Greig Fraser ASC ACS was very capably interviewed by Hege Jaer before the movie started, and those of us who both saw Rogue One and the Saturday Masterclass with Fraser got a very comprehensive presentation indeed of the man and his work, as Hege Jaer also gave us some insight into Fraser’s early career and what inspired him to become a cinematographer. The spirit was cheerful and festive in the cinema and Fraser even took a selfie with the entire audience cheering and waving their hands at him, sending it to Rogue One director Edwards. (…)


Rift Labs’ own Founder Morten Hjerdes presentation on the ”6 Color Light Engine RGBACL and latest trends in LED lighting. What´s next in LED lighting?” was a highlight for obvious reasons. RGBACL is changing the way we light stories. (…)


Founder of Rift Labs, Morten Hjerde giving a presentation on RGBACL at FNF.


A round of well-deserved applause then broke out in honour of Paul René Roestad FNF for once again pulling off a most memorable and skilfully executed conference. And if you had been through the full three-day experience, by now you were reeling out of the Norwegian Film Institute headquarters and onto Dronningens gate with a broad smile on your face, considerably more cinematically enlightened as well as very happy. 


Thanks for a wonderful event and all the friendly faces we got to meet!


The event took place on June 16-18 in Oslo, Norway.


Learn more about the Epos 300 here:


Read the full review of the Event here:




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